Tuesday, May 13, 2014

SPOTLIGHT - Dreamwalker by S.L. Seay


What would you do for your best friends? Would you die for them? Jordan Lewis always knew she was a little different from her friends Lauren and Audrey but she never would guess just how much. As Jordan's seventeenth birthday draws closer her dreams become more vivid, almost real. Until she finds herself in her own dreams or is it really a dream? Jordan and her friends embark on a journey to find the truth about their past.While finding loved ones again, but at what cost? What price will have to be paid? A life for a life? Where there is death there will always be death....

I live in South Alabama were I grew up! I have three beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband that keep me busy when I'm not working full time or writing! I have loved to read and write since I was in school. I never thought I would ever be able to say that I am an author but here I am and so happy to be doing what I do!I hope to bring everyone into the world of fantasy with me!!


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