Monday, November 25, 2013

3 Days Of Outside - Day 3

Shalini Boland
book 3
 In this fractured world, a sinister force is coming for Riley, and the only things keeping her safe are a perimeter fence and the people she loves. As her life is threatened, she must make impossible choices. But help comes from the most unlikely of places, and all Riley needs to know is: who can she really trust?

Meanwhile, a repentant killer searches for peace and salvation, but what he gets is the exact opposite. Now he’ll have to make the hardest decision of his life.

The Perimeter is a darkly captivating dystopian tale of adventure, danger, love and redemption that will have you on the edge of your seat and up at night turning the pages to find out what happens next . . .

Riley and Luc have been in an awkward stage with little time together. Riley is out to trade with her Pa and the market erupts in a riot. Riley is rescued or led away anyways by a gypsy woman, Lou. She wants to get fuel or firewood for Lou and the gypsies but her dad is adamant about the supplies that they have being necessary for their perimeter.
Everything is dwindling and supplies are low all over since the zombified drones from The Close marched across the land taking what they wanted and obliterating a sense of security, causing hoarding.
Meanwhile we have the tandem story with Jaime and I have been unsettled by his story to tell the truth. I care very little about him even if a bad decision is what led to the tragedy that changed things forever for Riley and her family. But I read on and was surprised more than once at the interesting turn of events.
Riley and Luc aren't seeing eye to eye and it has Riley seeing red and Luc not seeing it at all. She's mad and I think he is mostly confused.
Riley follows through with her delivery without permission and forms a bond with the gypsies.
She is shocked on the road home and brings home two familiar strays with disturbing news.
It seems the 'voice of the father' is more wicked than anticipated ad he is out to do Riley in. At the last of book 2 he dropped a whopper of a revelation n Riley assuring she would eventually come to him so that he can take out his vengeance for taking James Grey from his people.
In this book, book 3, he ensures his visit with her through forced means. When the day comes for the deal with F.J. it passes Riley before she knows it. She goes looking for Luc in that morning worried about his safety. Him and his dad, Eddie went for a supply run opposite the way F.J. was coming towards them with an indoctrinated Jaime in tow.
I got overeager and jittery feeling the climax of the story rolling across me in an adrenaline infused bout. It's amazing how these books have pulled emotion out of me.
It's like my emotions are being siphoned beyond my control!!
The last time I got so nervous reading was in Divergent. I love it when I am sucked in so completely. I shut out the world and was drawn into the struggle and life with perimeters and uncertainty. A madman o the loose and people trying to make it by living honest and helping others.
The nail biting commenced for me as Riley and Rita, Luc's mom decided they were red of waiting for Eddie and Luc to return. The craziness cuds your mind hen it comes to love and I love the spirit of these two ladies! 
At the same time Jaime and F.J. lead their tainted brethren to get back their beloved Grey but they've no clue how complicated that is going to be. I found myself laughing a bit at that fact but quickly my heart sunk with the weight of what was about to transpire. 
By chapter thirty my mind was ticking and my nails were suffering and I couldn't read the words fast enough as the story unfolded in my mind. I was nervous and scared and wow. Just wow. I was taken aback by the raw emotion that threatened to come from my eyes as my fear for Eddie and Luc along with the entire perimeter escalated.
The mind numbing chanting was unnerving and I was moved to tears in the commencing of the battle. My eyes stung and m heart hurt like I was in Talbot Woods Perimeter. I was glad that Riley and Luc had their moment And oh. my gawd. Riley, Riley, Riley! That girl is crazy!
I can say no more without spoiling it for you all and I definitely don't want to do that.
I recommend this series to anyone, no matter the genre you are used to. This is an epic story of  love, life, survival and family. This is a read that has no let down, you will be glued to the pages reading until you can't or until you hit the end.
A proper dystopian read of five star proportions!
One I won't be forgetting anytime soon.
Thanks to the tour host and Shalini Boland for letting me be a part of this tour and getting to read this series.
I absolutely love it!

5 of 5 Hearts!


Get The Other Books in the Series
Book 1 & 2

 The Clearing on Amazon

The Perimeter
The two men were youngish with beards, wearing layers of filthy clothing. One of them had a face-full of piercings – lip rings, eyebrow studs and a hoop through his nose. They were both skinny and hollow-cheeked with deep-set eyes. As they drew closer, I saw pure hostility in their faces and it took all my strength of will not to throw the truck into reverse and gun it all the way home.

‘What’s your business here?’ the man with the nose hoop called out.

I lowered the window a fraction. ‘I’m a friend of Lou’s.’

‘Lou?’ They took a few steps closer, their weapons still lowered.

‘Yeah. Fair-haired girl with two younger brothers. Lives up close to the compound wall.’

‘I know who Lou is,’ nose-hoop replied. ‘What d’you want with her?’

‘She helped me out yesterday. I’ve come to say thanks.’

‘Get out of the truck and I’ll fetch her over.’

‘I’d rather stay inside till she gets here if that’s okay.’

They stopped a few yards away and talked to each other in low tones so I couldn’t hear. By now, several other gypsies had come close to the wire fence to see what was going on. I’d started to cause a bit of a stir – exactly what I hadn’t wanted to do.

‘Out of the truck,’ nose-hoop repeated, aiming his rifle at the windscreen. ‘Slowly. Hands in the air.’

I hadn’t come here for a gunfight, so it didn’t look as though I had much choice. I would have to do as he asked.

What can you tell us about The Outside Series?

Set in the near future, these three novels follow Riley as she overcomes the murder of her younger sister by tracking down the killer across a post-apocalyptic Britain. At the same time, she is forced to take on the might of a twisted regime intent on conquering the nation.
The story is full of action and adventure with a smattering of angsty romance. Books two and three become more darkly dystopian.

How do you develop your characters?
My characters grow as I write them. I always think of their upbringing and their circumstances and what bearing this will have on their actions. I try to put myself in their position - How would they really react in a particular situation?
I often back my characters into impossible situations or give them difficult dilemmas to deal with, that even I don’t know how to deal with. I hope this makes the story more unpredictable and the drama more realistic.
The naming process is very important to me. If a character has a good name, they can come alive. Sometimes, a minor character with a great name will try to take over and carve out a bigger role. I usually let them!

Who is your ideal reader?

Someone who likes the ‘what if …’ scenario: What if you were living your life and it took an unexpected twist?
My books are aimed at young adults, but I write the kinds of books that I would like to read myself – post-apocalyptic adventure and urban fantasy with a twist of horror and a dusting of romance. My current readers are aged anywhere from thirteen to seventy.

What was your journey as a writer?

I used to be a singer songwriter, signed to Universal Music. But it’s not a lifestyle that goes well with having a family and I found myself resenting the time spent away from my kids. I wasn’t successful enough to have nannies and entourages!
One day, I had an idea for a great ending to a story and I started scribbling my first novel. Writing fiction gave me the new creative outlet I needed. Plus, I can write from home and set my own timetable. I love it!

What is your writing process?

I don’t have a set-in-stone process. I usually have a rough plan and work my way steadily through the chapters, editing as I go.

What authors most inspire you?

Authors who can weave multiple plot line with ease, whose characters evoke strong emotions and who can keep you guessing  till the end. I’m in awe of Carlos Ruis Zafon, Laini Taylor, Stephanie Meyer, Suzanne Collins and Paullina Simons.

What books, written by someone else, do you wish you'd written yourself?

Life of Pi by Yann Martel, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins or Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.
Shalini lives in Dorset, England with her husband and two noisy boys. Before children, she was signed to Universal Music as a singer songwriter. Now, writing novels has hijacked her life and she is usually to be found with a laptop welded to her fingers and the house in a permanent state of neglect.


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